Taikyoko Shodan From Ready Position (Yoi) (1) Look left. Move 90 degrees to left into left forward stance with a left down block. (W) (2) Step forward in same direction into right forward stance with right front punch. (W) (3) Spin 180 degrees behind, pivoting on left foot into right forward stance with right down block. (E) (4) Step forward in same direction into left forward stance with left front punch. (E) (5) Turn 90 degrees to left, pivoting on right foot into left forward stance with left down block. (N) (6) Step forward in same direction into right forward stance with right front punch. (N) (7) Step forward again into left forward stance with left front punch. (N) (8) Step forward once more into right forward stance with right front punch. Kiai!!! (N) (9) Look right. Pivoting on right foot, spin left foot to the back 90 degrees to your right into left forward stance with left down block. (E) (10) Step forward in same direction into right forward stance with right front punch. (E) (11) Spin 180 degrees behind, pivoting on left foot into right forward stance with right down block. (W) (12) Step forward in same direction into left forward stance with left front punch. (W) (13) Turn 90 degrees to left, pivoting on right foot into left forward stance with left down block. (S) (14) Step forward in same direction into right forward stance with right front punch. (S) (15) Step forward again into left forward stance with left front punch. (S) (16) Step forward once more into right forward stance with right front punch. Kiai!!! (S) (17) Look right. Pivoting on right foot, spin left foot to the back 90 degrees to your right into left forward stance with left down block. (W) (18) Step forward in same direction into right forward stance with right front punch. (W) (19) Spin 180 degrees behind, pivoting on left foot into right forward stance with right down block. (E) (20) Step forward in same direction into left forward stance with left front punch. (E) Yame: Return to ready position. (N) Note:All of the front punch sequences are performed mid-level (soloplexus). This is the first form that we teach students. All of the movements must be understood before we can find the proper timing for this kata. Don't rush through it.